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In today’s religious culture, the focus has been on appeasing others at the cost of maintaining a holiness before the world which the Church has been commissioned to win. This mindset has permeated all ranks in Christendom and it is high time for the Church to return back to its purpose for existence. SFZ Symposium desires to strengthen the Church with her mission through the proclamation of the Word of God. Whether it is through coming together for a specific time once a year and/or through accessing help through the web site, SFZ Symposium's mission is to ground a believer in the Truth in order to faithfully serve in one's local assembly. 

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Home: Welcome


     In Acts 17, Paul and his followers were accused of turning the world upside down. Twenty centuries later, one must shamefully confess that the world is turning the Church upside down [at least here in the United States]. As a result, there is a desperate need for the Church to return back to the Word and recommit itself to proclaiming Thus saith the LORD.

     Since 2004, Sforzando has trained young musicians to prophecy in their local assemblies. The Sforzando platform has been expanded to include a Symposium, in order to reach the believers of these local assemblies. Through teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness, we desire to see the man and woman of God equipped for every good work. 

Home: Who We Are

Symposium in a nutshell

One of the intangibles of the symposium is the opportunity to get alone and really meditate upon the truths proclaimed throughout the sessions. Therefore, we seek venues that will provide an undisturbed atmosphere where the truths of God's Word have an opportunity to permeate one's heart.

General Sessions

Exposition of key Scriptural texts to edify the believer


Smaller group sessions focusing on specific application of the key texts from the general sessions


One of the tangibles of attending the symposium. There is ample amount of fellowship built into the schedule--whether it is in between sessions/workshops and during and after meal times.

Home: What We Do

Worship is the missing jewel of modern evangelicalism. We're organized; we work; we have our agendas. We have almost everything, but there's one thing that the churches, even the gospel churches, do not have; that is the ability to worship.

A. W. Tozer

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Contact Sforzando Symposium

7 Timberlake Drive Greenville SC 29615


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